Sunday, October 26, 2014

Okras are producing

Ok this season I haven't been off to a good start. The turkeys kept on eating all my seedlings, even the ones that I placed in little pots away from them. By now I should have had most of the veggies growing but all I have is a few transplants. The only thing that is going strong and giving me something is okras. The plants have grown a lot and are more productive now. The one thing with okras is that you have to pick them on time otherwise they go past their prime in no time. See for yourself what happens with your okras when you get busy on the weekend. 

The front right is too big to eat, it went into the compost. The one in the back is just the perfect size.
Another things about okras is that if you want any sizable harvest at the same time you need at least 8 plants (in my opinion). I am planning to plant more because we eat a lot of it. I never realized how much I love veggies.
Though it's almost November there's still plenty of time to plant. I have set up a container garden and planted some seeds as well. I know inground veggies will perform much better but since I have the containers, my friend just have me a lot of hers as well, and I have the place where I can't plant inground, and I have extra seeds, so containers are in this season too. Inshallah I'll write a post about my container garden set up soon.

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