Friday, January 2, 2015

First tomato of the season and today's harvest

I have been waiting for this a few weeks now. Fresh home grown tomatoes, yumm. If you have ever tried home grown tomatoes you'd never want to buy the supermarket ones again. The taste is out of this world.  You can eat them as fruits, there just so delicious. I had a late  start this year (I mentioned in in my previous posts) that's why tomatoes are late. Well I got a bunch of toms that have already formed, waiting for them to ripen.
I also harvested today a good sized harvest of chard, rocket, curly cicory, lettuce - Regina dei Ghiacci, and different varieties of courgettes. I've used the tomato with curly cicory, lettuce and rocket for a little salad seasoned with olive oil and sea salt.
Chard has been incredible. I only have one square foot of it planted, half of which is taken over by butternut pumpkin and bottleneck gourd, but it's giving me enough for a weekly side dish, and looks like I could be getting more of it soon.
Rocket has been great as well, we've been harvesting a little but almost daily.
Courgettes are doing well giving a little meal weekly, hopefully the more the plants mature the more I'll harvest.

So here's the pics.

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