
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Seedlings are gone

Ok this is not what I had in mind. I woke up yesterday and loyally went to water the seedlings. And when I get to my "babies" all I see is turned over little pots, soil all over and only a couple of alive seedlings, all the rest is gone or torn. You don't know what I felt. They were all doing great. I had them sheltered. I had them watered. They were healthy. It didn't take me long to realize what happened. A few weeks ago my husband came home and as he was waiting for the garage gate to open he spotted 2 turkeys near our gates who were in bad shape and looked thirsty. They were under our trees hiding from the heat of the sun. He got them some water and they welcomed themselves into our yard and refused to leave. We don't know who they belong to and no one claimed them. We kept the gates open in case they wanted to go back but they wouldn't. They behaved pretty well. When we realized they are not going anywhere we got them proper feed and waterer. Apparently they don't like the specialized food we got them and they decided to feed on my seedlings. I don't know what made them go to the part of the yard where I kept my seedlings, they usually never go there as there's no plants in that part. Anyway I was silly enough not to take the remaining 2-3 seedling and put them somewhere higher. I just put some "fencing" thinking this would stop them from getting to the rest of the seedlings, well I underestimated their ability to get through little places. I woke up this morning to find no seedlings at all. Live and learn. I'll have to start again and find a solution to this.

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